Our Grace Gwangseong Church started from the Gwangnaru Sand Tent Church in 1959 and grew revived in the grace of God. Under the background of this growth, we started a new start from Gwangseong Church on December 6, 2016 as Grace Gwangseong Church.With this new start, Luke 5:38 meditated on the words, “The new wine should be put in a new bag.” The new church is definitely a new wine. If so, the new wine should be in a new bag. The reason why I have to put in a new bagFirst, because of the dynamics of the new wine.The new wine is alive. Like this, we believe that Grace Gwangseong Church will be a dynamic church because it is a new church.Second, the need to put new wine in a new bag is due to its flexibility.This is because old troops lose their flexibility and become fossilized. Our Grace Gwangseong Church advocates a church with a tenderness to accept everything.Third, we hope that Grace Gwangseong Church is not a church that denies the past, but is a win-win church that is further developed on the basis of past achievements, where each other prays for each other.Thus, not only our church but also all the churches on earth are wanting to be praised before the Lord.Furthermore, in the grace of God, as Gods grace shines forever, as in the words of Daniel 12: 3, “He who brought many people back to righteousness will shine forever and ever” in Daniel 12: 3. I wish to be a Kwangseong Church.We will do our best to fulfill this mission. We will serve the Lord, and we would be grateful if those who visited our homepage would like to pray and join us.Phone: 02-485-0815Site: http://gkwangsung.com